
P4 Mrs J Finn & Mrs J Morrow

Welcome to P4F!
Welcome to P4F! We are looking forward to a fun year ahead. 
We are so excited to have everyone back to school and are really looking forward to a super year ahead!
Meet our Eco-Warriors!
Our School Councillor 
Google Classroom 

Google Classroom
Password - autumn24

In Primary 4 we will be using Google classroom as way to provide work and activities for your child. Please ensure that your child logs in to Google classroom at home tonight and accepts the Terms and Conditions of Google and clicks Join. We then ask that your child will post a message on the stream to let us know that they have joined.

I have attached a step by step guide on how to access Google Classroom. Should you have any problems please contact the school.

All log in details have been given out in school this week but parents will receive a text message when passwords have been reset and Google Classroom is ready to be activated.

Here are some games to play!
P4 are super at their work! Look at the work they are proud of!
Sorting 2D shapes
We are learning the names and properties of 2D shapes. In groups we decided to sort the shapes for different criteria. Take a look at how we got on!
Our Nature Walk
We enjoyed exploring the World Around Us. Looking at the different trees, their leaves, nuts and seeds which is all part of our Plants topic.
Connect and Nurture 
It was lovely having Vicky and Alison in with us to share in a nurture session. P4F really enjoyed it.
Fun learning our Tens and Units!
We were investigating what makes plants grow in our cress seed experiment. It had to be a fair test. 
Our Competition Winner!
New Password for Google Classroom: